Taunton care service slammed for 'key failings' in damning inspection report - Somerset Live

2022-06-19 00:39:30 By : Ms. Annie Liu

Livability Somerset was told it must improve following staffing and risk management concerns


A Somerset care service has been ordered to make improvements after an inspection found a number of key failings in the way it provided care.

Livability Somerset, which supports 20 people with learning disabilities and autism living in supported accommodation across the county, was criticised for failing to provide adequate care by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) following two inspections in October and November last year.

The report said that staff failed to provide proof that people are protected from abuse and avoidable harm, evidence that care and treatment allowed patients a good quality of life or proof of person-centred care.

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The provider's management and leadership was also singled out for failing to promote a "fair and open culture". It has been given until May 30 to make improvements.

The CQC last rated the service in 2018, where it had been declared 'good', but the quitting of several senior staff members in 2021 left a chronic shortage of staff in its place.

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The report said: "People were supported by staff who had been through changes in leadership and organisational structure. The registered manager had left in August 2021. Senior staff within the team had also left during this time and this had impacted on the oversight and support of staff across all the supported living settings.

"These changes meant oversight and management functions largely fell to the local manager and team leaders, however, these staff had been required to work on providing direct support due to staff shortages."

As a result, the report stated many necessary management tasks such as audits and supervision were not carried out properly.

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Staff were unclear about how quality was monitored. One member of staff said: "Someone did an audit about two months ago." However, no staff knew if any changes had been suggested or if an action plan had been put in place.

"The manager acknowledged that actions had not been taken to make improvements identified. They explained that they had been told support would be provided due to the scale of action needed.

"They had not received this support. This meant issues identified during these audits were not addressed and were found in this inspection.

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"There was mixed evidence regarding how well risks were managed. We identified examples of some risks being identified and managed, however, we also found examples where actions were not taken in a timely manner, and risks were not responded to with consistency or sufficiently monitored.

"This had led to restrictive practices such as reducing people's choices with food and locking parts of their home without appropriate safeguards.

"One person was restricted about what they could buy with their own money when out and two people did not have access to their kitchen."

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Following the inspection, Livability Somerset has assured the CQC that staff have received training and support to effectively carry out the new responsibilities following the recent restructure.

They said risks identified in August 2021 were being addressed through an internal risk mitigation process started in October the same year. However, the CQC has stated it has been unable to review the impact of this process.

As it stands, Livability Somerset must send a report to the CQC stating what action it intends to take, and the service provider has until May 30, 2022 to make these improvements.

After approaching Livability for comment, they stated they had been visited on October 29 and November 9, 2021, and were disappointed that it wasn't noted they had "identified a range of shortfalls ahead of this time, in the summer of 2021 that have been reviewed and addressed."

They say a new management team is in place which "have the requisite skills to address the issues we identified at this point, including a dedicated Intensive Support Manager to drive quality at the service."

Other established methods taken by Livability Somerset providing additional training to staff to refresh their skills, as well as increasing supervisions with management being present.

"There is currently a recruitment crisis in the care sector. This has made it extremely difficult to recruit permanent staff, we were also unable to recruit agency staff due to local care staff shortages.

"As a result we funded agency staff outside of the immediate county to travel in and stay locally to ensure that gaps were filled and we could provide the much needed continued support."

Jane Percy, executive director of operations at Livability Somerset, added: “We continue to work closely with Somerset County Council on the issues highlighted. We are working through an action plan to address every detail with the quality team.

"We have started to see positive feedback, from both the local authority partners we are working with as well as parents of those supported since the new management has been in place.

"We have taken on-board the CQC report seriously and are addressing individual points and continue to strive for excellent care.”

The full report is available here.

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