Tue May 03, 2016 - National Edition Construction Equipment Guide
Summit Supply announces the opening of a new location just outside of Atlanta, Ga., to better serve customers in the Southeast region of the United States.
The company, which supplies rubber tracks, undercarriage parts, rubber pads and solid tires to the construction equipment industry, has been in business more than 30 years, and has a sound reputation supplying parts for manufacturers including Bobcat, Caterpillar, John Deere, Kubota, Case, Takeuchi, Gehl and Mustang. The Atlanta warehouse is the fourth location for Summit Supply, which is headquartered in Asbury, N.J., and operates a branch in Seattle, Wash., and a distribution center in Dallas, Texas.
“The opening of our Dallas distribution center in June of 2015 benefited our customers in the Midwest with reduced downtime and lower shipping costs. Customers now receive their orders quicker, and at a more affordable price — while experiencing less down time for their equipment. Expansion such as this is a direct result of our customer's continued loyalty to the Summit brand. With the opening of our newest facility in Fairburn [Ga.], we are now able to provide next day shipping to 34 states — the fastest in the industry by far,” said John MacDonald, NE regional sales manager.
MacDonald said that customers should look for additional openings in the coming months, as Summit Supply LLC continues to expand its operations.
Summit Supply uses the latest technology to provide products that are high in both quality and performance and guaranteed to fit the equipment. The company stocks rubber tracks made with the perfect blend of virgin, natural and synthetic rubber and does not use recycled products. Made with continuous steel cord (CSC) technology that is designed by Summit Supply's engineers, the rubber tracks are some of the strongest in the industry and work with all makes of rubber-tracked machines.
Summit Supply was formed in 2007 as a partner company to Multi Machine Inc., which was established in 1982. For more than three decades, the company has built a solid reputation for top quality, perfect fit, longevity, huge inventory and unmatched customer service. In recent years, Summit has added undercarriage parts (sprockets, rollers and idlers) for thousands of makes and models of machines, in addition to solid tires and rubber pads for steel-tracked machines. Today's top stories New $840M VA Medical Center Coming to Louisville University of South Carolina Students Will Benefit from $210M Campus Village K-Tec Turns a Scraper into a Home Volvo CE Opens Reservations for Expanded North American Electric Machine Lineup at ACT Expo Oldest, Youngest Members of AEM Hall of Fame C.W. Matthews Expects to Complete $111M Phase 2 of Jackson County Project in Coming Months Briggs JCB Hosts Open House at Its New Tampa Facility Iron Auction Group Holds Sale at Midland, N.C., Facility
New $840M VA Medical Center Coming to Louisville
University of South Carolina Students Will Benefit from $210M Campus Village
K-Tec Turns a Scraper into a Home
Volvo CE Opens Reservations for Expanded North American Electric Machine Lineup at ACT Expo
Oldest, Youngest Members of AEM Hall of Fame
C.W. Matthews Expects to Complete $111M Phase 2 of Jackson County Project in Coming Months
Briggs JCB Hosts Open House at Its New Tampa Facility
Iron Auction Group Holds Sale at Midland, N.C., Facility
Construction Equipment Guide 470 Maryland Drive Fort Washington, PA 19034 800-523-2200
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