The Construction of the Formula E Circuit in AncolJAKARTA, - The person in charge of the Formula E circuit construction from PT Jaya Konstruksi Ari Wibowo said the construction progress had reached 28.5 percent.According to Ari, the construction of the Jakarta E-Prix 2022 circuit has exceeded the set target of 19.69 percent as of February 22, 2022."The plan as of February 22, 2022 is 19.69 percent, the realization is 28.50 percent," said Ari, when explaining the progress of construction at the circuit site, Ancol, East Jakarta, Wednesday (23/2/2022).Ari said the source of development funds was the budget from the company PT Jakarta Propertindo for 2022.The circuit work schedule is 54 working days, starting from February 3, 2022 to March 28, 2022."The work will be divided into five zones," said Ari.The five zoning will be carried out with 565 construction workers.Zone one will involve two PC 75 excavators, 1 vibro roller, 1 motor grader, 1 tandem roller and 20 dump trucks.While the second zone involves 1 unit of excavator PC 75, 1 unit of mini vibro, 1 unit of tronton truck, 1 unit of water tank and 24 units of dump truck.Zones 3 and 4 which are already on solid land require 9 units of 75 PC excavators, 2 tronton trucks, 1 vibro roller, 1 loader truck and 39 dump trucks.Meanwhile, zone five is the most difficult zone because the mud area will involve 10 units of 200 PC excavators, 2 dozzers, 1 vibro roller, 1 tronton truck and 80 dump trucks.Based on's observation, the circuit outline has begun to form at the location with some path hardening being worked on.Including zone five, which is a muddy area that is now starting to be installed with limestone.According to the schedule, Formula E in Jakarta will be held on June 4, 2022.Write your comments with the hashtag #JernihBerkomentar and win e-vouchers for 90 winners!Get information and insight selected by editorsDouble check and complete your data.Your data will be used for account verification when you need assistance or when unusual activity is found on your account.Immediately complete your data to join the #JernihBerkomentar program.