Old News | Little Richard to perform at D and D Roller Bowl; Free Will Baptist Church to be built; Videoland store to open | News | wenatcheeworld.com

2022-07-23 04:04:13 By : Ms. Chris Zhong

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A theater organist was a big part of the movie-going experience and when one left the city it made news. In the July 3, 1922 edition of The Wenatchee Daily News, a photograph and story described that the Liberty Theatre organist, Helen Roberts, was leaving and would be replaced with a temporary organist before the permanent one, Ernie Russell, would come from the Rialto Theatre in Tacoma to replace her.

A theater organist was a big part of the movie-going experience and when one left the city it made news. In the July 3, 1922 edition of The Wenatchee Daily News, a photograph and story described that the Liberty Theatre organist, Helen Roberts, was leaving and would be replaced with a temporary organist before the permanent one, Ernie Russell, would come from the Rialto Theatre in Tacoma to replace her.

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Tom, Phillip and Ed Rose, sons of Conrad Rose, arrived home today from Minnesota where they had been attending classes at Shattuck College.

Mrs. Leroy Wright and Mrs. W.A. Thompson entertained at an afternoon musical yesterday at the Wright home on Wenatchee Avenue

Elza Vashon, who has been attending the University of Washington, returned to Wenatchee where he will be employed by the Wenatchee Produce Co. for the remainder of the summer.

C.E. Lynch of Rockford, superintendent-elect of Cashmere schools, was in Wenatchee yesterday.

Mrs. W.J. Hayne of Southside left yesterday for an extended visit with relatives in Boise, Idaho.

Dr. J.H. Graham has returned from his ranch and opened his offices in the Ellis-Forde block.

Last night Mrs. L.O. Hall hosted several members of the Royal Neighbors at an informal social.

Sam Noltz has purchased the Olson ferry based here.

The Ellis-Forde Co. has bought out the lease of the Odd Fellows on the upper floor of the Big Store building and will expand its furniture department there.

John E. Porter is back from the University of Washington.

Recent real estate transactions include W.R. Prowell to Annie Phillips, three lots in the Fairview addition for $1,220; Mrs. J.E. Peachey to R.F. Holm, five lots in the Peachey addition for $315.; and J.H. Tilsley to A.H. Merriam, one lot in the Bolenbaugh addition for $125.

Mrs. H.A. Manchester left this morning for Orondo where she will stay for the rest of the summer.

Lee Marson of Leavenworth has won an award of $300 in the Eastman Co.'s photo contest for high school students.

Homer McKee of Wenatchee was honored with a life membership to the Washington State Chapter of the National Postal Supervisors Association.

Bringing home seven trophies and three ribbons from the Inland Empire Twirling contest were Paulette Adams, Polly Brumbaugh and Margaret Adams, all of Wenatchee, and Camilla Spanjer of Cashmere.

National recording artist Little Richard will be in Wenatchee Thursday. Richard, known for his hits "Tutti Frutti," "Lucille" and "Long Tall Sally," will perform at the D and D Roller Bowl.

Low bids totaling $403,854, $28,000 below the architect's estimate, were received by the Wenatchee School Board for construction of the new Lincoln School.

Douglas County this week issued a building permit to the Free Will Baptist Church for construction on North Iowa Avenue in East Wenatchee.

Jacquie Miles and Curtis Jacobsen, juniors at Entiat High School, will attend a student leadership conference Aug. 25-30 in Seabeck.

Mrs. William Viebrock of Douglas was elected president of the Washington State 4-H Leaders Council.

Lael Sutherland is the new president of the Wenatchee Venture Club.

Cashmere Methodist Church is holding open house Sunday at its new parsonage on Mission Creek Road.

Jim Siemon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Siemon of Wenatchee, will leave next month for England where he has been accepted for a course of graduate study in English literature at the University of London. He recently completed his junior year at Stanford University and will return there in September.

Former Wenatchee resident James Reems has joined the field staff of the Washington Apple Commission. He will be based in the Midwest.

Benjamin Paul Sandford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Sandford of Plain, is one of four recipients of Central Washington University's President's Scholars award.

Mrs. Alvin Witten, Mrs. John McCallum and Mrs. Victor Richardson are the new officers of the Vale Club of Cashmere, made up of past matrons of the Order of the Eastern Star.

Director Peggy Baldwin today announced the cast for Music Theatre of Wenatchee's second summer show, "6 Rms, Rv Vu," set to play late next month at the Benton Street Theater. They include Pat Creger, Victor Baldwin, Mary Wolf, Brian Short and Mary Ellen Kerby.

Bruce M. Monroe of Wenatchee has been elected president of the 70,000-member Washington State University Alumni Association for the coming year

Wally and Eva Stotler, owners of State Electric in Brewster, were named retailers of the year for the state of Washington at the Western Retail Exposition banquet held in Seattle.

The first Videoland store in Eastern Washington will open this week at Columbia Park in East Wenatchee. The store carries several lines of televisions, recorders and movie tapes.

The Rev. Dave Cole is the new pastor at the Eastmont Assembly of God Church.

Wenatchee's Free Methodist Church will break ground Sunday for a new wing to be used as classroom space. The wing will be added to the present gymnasium and Christian education wing. The church's final planned phase of construction will be a sanctuary and adjacent meeting room space

Rev. Brian A. Reed is the new pastor of the Ephrata Presbyterian Church

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