Northside Park in Kokomo will be home to a pump track later this year. The Kokomo Tribune reports the track, which is a circuit of rollers and banked turns for bikes and skateboards, will replace one of the park’s two youth athletic fields.
Pump tracks are designed to be ridden by riders “pumping,” or creating momentum by up and down body movements instead of pedaling.
The project was first announced by Kokomo Mayor Tyler Moore last June. The city is investing $500,000 for the track, which will come from American Rescue Plan Act funds.
“I think it’s going to draw people in because they’re able to hit two locations,” said Torrey Roe, Kokomo Parks Department superintendent. “You can park at one and get to another within seven minutes on bike.”
According to the Kokomo Tribune, the pump track will include three sections: beginner, intermediate and advanced, and will be made of concrete with a light broom finish to prevent it from getting slick when wet. In addition to bicycles and skateboards, the city’s pump track will be open to roller skates and scooters.
Construction on the project is expected to start this summer and is scheduled to be completed in the fall.
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