For more than 125 years Henderson’s streets were mostly a mess because they were dusty when dry and muddy bogs when wet.
Before the streets were paved there was an oiling tax levied to keep the dust down. And crosswalks to get across the mud and horse droppings, if any existed at all, were stepping stones. Some stepping stones were later repurposed. They were used to build retaining walls at two places that immediately come to mind: in front of 713 Center St. and along the side of 105 S. Alvasia St.
For years there had been talk of paving city streets, but that didn’t appear feasible until the General Assembly passed a law allowing third class cities (like Henderson at that time) to pass the costs on to abutting property owners.
The Gleaner of April 15, 1920, reported the Henderson City Council had passed an ordinance authorizing the city’s first major paving job: Second Street from Water Street to the railroad tracks at what is now the overpass.
That story clarified the ordinance “is purely a test of the state law” and that an expected lawsuit would immediately be filed and appealed “so that the highest court in the state may pass upon it before any contract is awarded.”
The city council planned to “have the matter sifted to the bottom before any move is made to improve streets under the new law.”
It took more than two years for that to happen. On Aug. 4, 1922, according to city commission minutes, specifications for the project were approved. The plan was to pave two courses, each of them 18 feet wide, stretching from the curb toward the center of the street. The 16-foot-wide median was where the streetcar tracks ran.
The pavement was to have a concrete foundation 6-inches-thick, topped with 3 inches of asphalt. The ordinance also mandated property owners had to bear the costs, based on the frontage of their property, although they had 10 years to pay off the debt.
A call for bids issued the next day, which were opened Aug. 23. Five firms from Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio and Alabama submitted bids, ranging from $58,911 to $95,365.
The low bid of the Indiana Construction Co. of Kokomo won the contract; The Gleaner of Sept. 16 reported it had begun work the previous day. The first part of the job was to build the lane on the north side of the street. The first day a tractor equipped with a heavy steel plow – guided by three strapping Black workers -- began ripping up about a foot of the roadbed between the railroad tracks and Clark Street.
At first the construction firm had tried to remove the old road material using 26 teams and 51 men. The Sept. 20 Gleaner called that “a vast amount of labor.” The Sept. 24 issue, however, noted that a fleet of Ford trucks had been added to the effort, and that a steam shovel would be arriving in early October to load material.
By Oct. 10, however, The Gleaner reported Commissioner John A. Cunningham, who was in charge of public works, was expressing concern that work wasn’t moving fast enough. The deadline for completion was Dec. 1.
By late October, according to the Nov. 2 edition, work had begun moving faster. In the last half of October concrete had been laid on four blocks, although six blocks remained. Plans were to complete the job by mid-December. The Nov. 16 Gleaner said the last concrete was being laid that day on the north side of Second Street.
The asphalt mixer wasn’t unloaded until Nov. 24, however. That same day a group of downtown businessmen met with commission members and representatives of the paving company and concluded it would make more sense to being laying asphalt at Water Street and work toward the railroad.
“Without this change it would have been impossible to complete that portion of the work in the main business district for several weeks,” The Gleaner reported. That obviously would interfere with the Christmas shopping season.
The Gleaner of Nov. 28 reported the paving company was asking for more time, largely because of bad weather and shipping problems caused by a railroad strike. As of Nov. 23 it had completed only 26 percent of the job.
W.J. Dixon, an official with the Indiana Construction Co., said in the Dec. 9 edition that he had never seen a job run into more problems than the Second Street contract. “It was more difficult to get stuff shipped this summer than it was during the war.” And bad weather visited regularly after the needed concrete began arriving.
The Dec. 13 Gleaner reported the asphalt plant had been set up at Fifth and Water streets and that asphalt work would begin that day working from Ingram toward Water. “Several workmen are kept busy leveling the asphalt…. The men have thick wooden soles attached by straps to the bottom of their shoes, which is necessary on account of the asphalt being so hot.”
A three-wheeled steam roller packed the laid asphalt.
The two blocks from Ingram to Elm had been completed by Dec. 17, according to The Gleaner, and were to open to traffic that day.
“The completed street, with its smooth white surface, is a decided change from the Second Street before the improvement began…. Even (the previous) afternoon some small boys were trying out the new street, riding their bicycles along the completed portion.”
As you might expect, “the smooth surface is an almost irresistible temptation to would-be speeders, who have a desire to try their cars out,” according to the Dec. 21 Gleaner. As of that point the paving had reached as far as Alvasia.
“A few days will elapse, if weather conditions are good, until the entire north side of Second Street will have a completed thoroughfare and when activities are transferred to the other side traffic may utilize the finished portions.”
The paving of Second Street was shortly followed by Main, Elm and Green streets between First and Third.
And the paving just kept rolling. The city commission passed several ordinances in 1923 to pave approximately 33 blocks that year. A special Gleaner edition July 24, 1927, reported that over the previous five years the city had paved 14 miles of streets. They included all of Second, Green and Main streets, as well as large portions of Washington, Letcher and what is now Martin Luther King.
That story also mentioned green space was briefly considered for the Second Street median after the streetcar tracks were torn out in 1923. That would have made Second Street look much like North Elm Street. We’ve instead got blacktop that the newness hasn’t worn off yet from the recent paving.
The western corn root beetle was “running wild” in Henderson County, agricultural agent H.R. Jackson said in The Gleaner of Aug. 21, 1947. About $250,000 damage had been caused thus far.
Local farmers were trying a new method of pest control: hiring crop dusting outfits to spray their corn with DDT. “It’s now or never if farmers want to save their corn from the beetle,” Jackson said. Save it they did, according to The Gleaner of Oct. 2, which noted the state’s corn crop of 1947 was the second largest in its history.
The Henderson Board of Education was told by real estate agent Paul Herron Sr. that he had obtained options to buy 10 parcels of property on which to locate the planned Central School, according to The Gleaner of Aug. 15, 1972.
The properties were all located in the block bounded by Center, Alvasia, First and Holloway streets.
The school board also adopted a new dress code to replace the one that had been struck down by Henderson Circuit Court the year before. The Henderson County Board of Education followed suit Aug. 21 by adopting a similar – although somewhat more lenient – dress code.
Editor Ron Jenkins’ column in The Gleaner of Aug. 16, 1997, asked whether readers had even noticed the newspaper had changed its name the previous week.
“Well, not exactly,” he wrote. “But we changed our front page nameplate by capitalizing the ‘T’ in The and the ‘G’ in Gleaner.
“So, all you English teachers and others who never approved of our downstyle nameplate, we’ve joined the world of conformists. We are now grammatically correct.”
The lowercase style had been used since April 28, 1973.
There’s a backstory to how the name change came about. In the spring of 1997 A.H. Belo Corp. bought The Gleaner and associated properties from the Dear family, which marked the first time the newspaper had not been a family enterprise.
Belo executives came to inspect the new property, of course, and one of them idly wondered why we were using lower case style on our nameplate and sign.
There’s an old saying, “A wink is as good as a nod to a blind horse,” meaning it’s not always necessary to be explicit to get your point across. We got the message.
Readers of The Gleaner can reach Frank Boyett at or on Twitter at @BoyettFrank.