Tue January 04, 2022 - National Edition Concrete Industry Management
The Concrete Industry Management (CIM) program — a business intensive program that awards students with a four-year Bachelor of Science degree in Concrete Industry Management — announced the donation of an extreme duty 10.5-yard high performance mixer for the annual auction at World of Concrete.
The extreme duty 10.5-yard set back mixer is equipped as follows:
"We are pleased to have this outstanding donation from Con-Tech Manufacturing," said Ben Robuck, CIM Auction committee chair. "This mixer will go a long way to help us achieve our fundraising goal. We are proud to have Con-Tech included in our list of major CIM auction donors and, with this donation, we have the potential for our greatest auction ever."
The annual auction will be held Jan. 19 in the West Hall Room W106 of the Las Vegas Convention Center. The silent auction will be held from 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. and the live auction begins at 1 p.m.
Once again this year, Internet bidding will be available on the Ritchie Bros. website, www.rbauction.com. To participate in electronic auction bidding, bidders must register a week in advance. Those participating in the auction at World of Concrete can register on-site.
For a full list of items, visit www.concretedegree.com/auction. Those interested in making a donation should contact CIM Auction Committee Chairman Ben Robuck at [email protected] or 404/456-6867.
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