There was a jury segment that aired on Big Brother 24 tonight, and of course, we were curious about many different things. Take, for starters, simply this: What did we actually learn in terms of the game?
For those of you looking for drama, this was absolutely a letdown: They didn’t show all that much when it comes to conflict. Instead, they focused more on the moves themselves and the reactions from the jury.
The big takeaway right now? Nobody seems to be that happy with Turner. He’s been way too even-keeled and laid back. We do think he was being honest in Michael’s goodbye message about him not wanting the Veto used; however, that does him no favors in the game. Also, Alyssa is mad at him and that could be another problem.
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Meanwhile, there are a lot of pro-Monte people in there. At various points Joseph, Terrance, and Kyle each had really positive things to say about him, and Monte is getting more of the credit for the move to take out Michael. Based on what we’re actually seeing, Taylor would be better off taking Turner to final two over Monte, though we’re not sure she knows that or could know that.
The saddest moment of the segment has to go to Joseph, who looked crushed when he heard about Monte and Taylor sleeping in the same bed for days. He was an adult about it, but you could tell just from his reaction how much he really cared about her.
In general, we do think Brittany could do something to alter the balance of power, but we’re just not sure how many people will listen to her. She’s got some influence, but we do think a few people have their minds made up.
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