Jammer Debbie Clark (DC Comiccazi), far right with the star on her helmet, works her way past blockers during a practice scrimmage at the recent Kickin' Vixens practice. With her, from left in the black and white helmet are Jackie Sibley (downtown Jackie Brown), Cheryl Sharpe (sASSy Sharpe), Lynnette MacKay (Thread Wrong) and Mary Katherine Robinson (Domino Karvee).
Jammer Debbie Clark (DC Comiccazi), far right with the star on her helmet, works her way past blockers during a practice scrimmage at the recent Kickin' Vixens practice. With her, from left in the black and white helmet are Jackie Sibley (downtown Jackie Brown), Cheryl Sharpe (sASSy Sharpe), Lynnette MacKay (Thread Wrong) and Mary Katherine Robinson (Domino Karvee).
The Kickin’ Vixens are back.
The local roller derby team is hosting its first bout Saturday at the Trenton Miner Sports Community Centre since before the pandemic.
They will be hosting the West Hants Rabble Riot, one of the teams in the Avon River Rollers organization. Game time is 2 p.m., while doors open at 1:30 p.m.
Heather Brimicombe is among members of the team who enjoys roller derby and is looking forward to the battle.
“It’s our only home game this summer, so we’re excited that people can come out and see the action,” she said. “It’s a really great way to get exercise, and it’s pretty competitive. It’s a lot of fun and the community is really accepting. The team is like a second family to us.”
The Vixens have also scheduled an open house Sept. 14 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the centre so that those interested can learn about roller derby.
Members of the team practised last week at the centre.
“They’re really nice to us,” Brimicombe said, regarding the centre staff’s willingness to accommodate and assist them with marking the oval track on the rink floor.
Roller derby is a roller skating contact sport consisting of two teams. Equipment includes roller skates, helmet, knee pads, wrist guards and mouth guards.
Scoring is achieved by one team’s jammer lapping the opposing team. Four blockers try to prevent the opposing jammer’s progress while trying to clear the way for their own jammer.
The Vixens expect to play at least one road game. They are planning a trip to Cape Breton for a match Oct. 8.
The Vixens worked on some of the plays required to be successful on the oval course.
“We were working on some different scenarios, like when the other team’s jammer is in the penalty box,” said Brimicombe.
Practice is important, but so is coaching, Brimicombe said. Rob Green viewed last week’s workouts, which she found valuable.
“It helps when our coaches are there to watch,” she said. “It’s hard to keep track of it when you’re in it, like the use of hands and things that get you a penalty. In a scramble it’s hard to realize you do it. It helps us stay sharp.”
Coach Green said he liked what he saw at the practice and hopes the Vixens can defeat the Rabble Riot.
“Practice went well,” he said. “We worked on a few things and if we notice something we bring it up. They catch on well.”
Steve Goodwin is never without his camera and a notebook. He has been covering news and sports in Pictou County for more than four decades.
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