Between the inevitable decline in balance and mobility all men of a certain age face, and having to sit cross-legged on the carpet with your kid, marking farm animal noises, you’ll have to come around to improving your flexibility with balance and mobility exercises. If for no other reason than so you can get to your kid when they’re stuck in the Chuck E. Cheese maze.
Holly Perkins is a strength and conditioning trainer who’s worked with everyone from Howard Stern to presidential candidates. She understands you don’t have time for 90-minute yoga sessions, but you do have time for 9-minute, 6-exercise solutions. So you don’t have to take much time out of your day to be sure you can touch your toes. Here are the balance and mobility exercises you should do everyday, or at least whenever you can.
Despite often being described as a “warmup,” this brief period of activity isn’t there to shake off the chills, but prep your body for additional movements. “We don’t need to ‘warm up,’” says Perkins. “We need to prep for optimal movement either for our everyday — walking, standing up, sitting down — or for a workout.”
Begin your routine with 30 to 60 seconds of jumping jacks, followed by running in place, followed by mountain climbers. Repeat for a total of 5 minutes. Also, just to be explicit, breathe continuously.
Now you’re ready to start working on your flexibility.
Foam noodles are good for more than making oversized lightsabers or obscene gestures at the community pool. Spending some time on a foam roller helps with the mobility of your fascia — that layer of connective tissue that surrounds the muscles of your body. When that isn’t stretched, fibers of the fascia bind to muscles and nerves, causing pain and the mobility of a marionette. Rolling muscles out basically breaks up scar tissue and the binds between the skin, muscles, and bones.
To work on that, roll out out your upper back:
“Most problems with hip flexors relate back to the quads and sitting too much,” says Perkins. That means poor quad flexor mobility is a problem all office drones deal with.
To get at your quads, move into a push-up position with a foam roller lengthways under your quads. Lower yourself down onto the roller and then roll up and back, rolling from your hips to your knees. Perform for 30 to 45 seconds per leg.
“This is a critical exercise,” Perkins says. “It’s important for ankle mobility and stability, glute and hip flexibility, pelvis flexibility, and core control.” To do it:
This simple variation on the classic lunge increases flexibility in trouble areas like hip flexors, quads, hamstrings, and glutes. To do it:
Pro tip: If you’re flexible enough, you can do this stretch without the assistance of a couch.
“This is a fantastic active flexibility move for hamstrings, which don’t respond very well to static stretching,” says Perkins.
Don’t have time to perform these 6 exercises as a series? Break them up into individual movements and bust ’em out whenever you can. However you use them, they’ll help loosen you up and offset the negative impact of sitting. And even if you’re as nimble as Spider-Man, these moves can still help you maintain mobility. Because you’ve got years of shoelace tying, tree climbing, and pizza restaurant maze extractions ahead of you.
This article was originally published on 1.10.2017