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At 40, I'm proof it's never 'too late'.
Roller skating might not be as popular a form of exercise as, say, Pilates or strength training, and I won’t blame you if you dismiss it for looking too easy. But studies have shown that, in fact, it’s just as effective as cycling; it improves your cardio health in almost exactly the same way, while it also works your lower body and core muscles. Other research has also shown that exercising outdoors, like roller skating, is a much bigger stress-buster than working out inside, since it gets you out into the fresh air and sunlight. And we can’t go without mentioning the outfits. If dressing up is your jam, it’s the one time you can unleash your inner disco queen while breaking a sweat (see Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling’s matchy-matchy, neon looks-on-wheels from the set of their new Barbie film).
A post shared by Margot Robbie (@margotrobbieofficial)
It’s been at the heart of my exercise routine for two years now and I’ll never look back, which is why I’m so keen to spread the word. Read on for tips on how to get started, how to make progress on and off your skates and find out what roller skating could do for you, from Marawa the Amazing, ambassador for Impala Skates (the Australian brand that created the customised neon yellow inline skates for Robbie and Gosling in Barbie), Gympass personal trainer, Becky Bowman, and Harry Aitken, a sports scientist and master trainer at Auster Fitness.
My roller-skating journey started 12 years ago at my hen do, where I had the most thrilling night celebrating with my friends at a roller rink in Vauxhall, London. Dressed in a tutu skirt and silver faux leather jacket, I got hooked on all of it: the atmosphere, the music, the outfits, the amazing skaters doing tricks on wheels. I remember thinking, ‘I wish I could do this all the time.’
It only took a decade – and four kids – until I realised that maybe I could. I was 37 years old, it was the start of the pandemic in March 2020 and my physical fitness was at an all-time low. I’d had surgery to repair a torn meniscus (a piece of cartilage in my knee) in January of the same year, and even walking was painful in the months leading up to it, so I hadn’t exercised in ages. Just as I was supposed to be getting back into the swing of things with fitness classes and rehab (I used to do Pilates, yoga and barre), everything closed up.
So, in a moment of genius, I ordered myself a pair of jungle print roller skates and decided this would be my fitness fix, and my way of finding joy in lockdown living. At the time, I was looking to build up strength in my legs, get outdoors and do something that would put a smile on my face.
The first time I laced up my skates again was at home – I didn’t feel brave enough to take on the outdoors just yet – so I stuck to the living room, but it was still amazing. I have my favourite show tunes blasting, and I knew I’d found a new passion. It also gave me a bit of an ego boost as, somehow, I was pretty good.
But I crashed back to reality the next day when I attempted to skate outdoors. I couldn’t move an inch without my husband supporting all of my body weight, and as the pavement on our road is super bumpy, the five-minute walk to our local park took an agonising 30 minutes with my unimpressed husband complaining I was pulling on him ‘too tightly’.
Once I found a smooth park path, I did, albeit shakily, get into my groove, and several YouTube tutorials later I was a regular, heading out to skate a couple of times a week for the next month. I was nervous, but consistency helped me to build confidence, improve balance and get my speed up. I felt braver and started venturing to new paths in different parks.
Most afternoons I’d skate around my house, too. Even though there isn’t a ton of space, it became my favourite activity. I loved the feeling of power and freedom I had every time I stood up in my skates. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt like that. To add excitement to lockdown life, I’d sometimes pretend to be a singing, roller skating diner waitress when I served my kids lunch – it was a miracle I didn’t drop any dishes.
One of the best things about roller skating is that, bar pregnant women who should avoid it in case of any falls, anyone can do it. You don’t need to be an elite athlete to get started (to get kitted out affordably, try Decathlon), or be terribly well-coordinated, although you may find rollerblading easier if you’ve ice skated in the past (rollerblades can also be easier to get to grips with outdoors, as opposed to quad skates).
Practising at home on roller skates is a good idea, and you don’t need to have wooden or tiled flooring to do it, either. ‘Start with tutorials on YouTube and start on carpet,’ says Marawa. ‘Learn how to lace up correctly so you start comfortably and wear protective gear.’
Once you’ve got a bit of experience and feel confident enough to go outside, Marawa recommends learning how to step on and off the tarmac of a path (start on the grass so that you’ve got more grip), then how to go forwards and backwards while skating on one leg.
‘There are tons of good tutorials online – but also asking other skaters for tips is super helpful, too,’ she recommends. ‘Balance comes over time as your core gets stronger and you learn new moves, going backwards, turning, spinning, etc.’
Typically, a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads and wrist pads are recommended. While roller skating is generally a safe activity if you’re padded up, Bowman advises pregnant women to avoid it and, if available to you, recommends lessons with a professional to minimise your risk of injury.
Aitken urges would-be skaters to look out for ‘kerbs and rocks,’ explaining that ‘falling over could cause several injuries, from grazing skin to possibly breaking your arm or collarbone. Roller skating also requires a lot of forward lean, which can cause some lower back strain. Combined with your legs moving, it could cause a slight impingement of your hip flexors,’ he notes. Lower back stretches and releasing tension in the hips with yoga stretches before and after a skate is essential.
Every time I went skating, my muscles would ache the next day. My calves were tight, my thighs sore and I even started feeling muscles working in my bum that I never knew existed – and I wasn’t even skating quickly. This is normal – roller skating is a ‘really strong lower body workout, since it recruits so many lower body muscles at once,’ Bowman assures.
‘Roller skating has many benefits: weight loss, strengthening your muscles, increasing muscular endurance. Not to mention, roller skating releases endorphins, making you feel happy,’ says Bowman, explaining that roller skating involves the quads, glutes, hamstrings and calves, as well as using upper body and core muscle strength to help with coordination and balance. She recommends strength training (squats, calf raises, lunges and single-leg Romanian deadlifts) to help improve skating skills when you’re not on wheels.
‘Also, try standing on one leg with your eyes closed, doing small jumps and turning your body 90-degrees,’ advises Marawa.
Aitken adds: ‘Roller skating is definitely a skill, and it’s incredibly rewarding to learn. Your brain lets you know that by releasing dopamine and happy hormones when you achieve new goals. It’s also often done in a group setting outside, so you get to socialise, have fun with friends, get some fresh air and let off some steam.’
As mentioned, roller skating is also comparable to cycling and skiing.
‘You get all the benefits of movement, without the harsh, aggressive impact that, say, running has,’ Aitken explains. ‘Fast roller skating will really focus on your leg power and endurance, training the calves, quads, hamstrings and glutes, as well as the core: lower back, abdominals and obliques. You’ll also get a good shoulder burn if you’re swinging your arms properly too. You will also really improve your coordination, core stability and balance by roller skating.’
It’s beneficial for you even if you’re only doing it once a week, like I was, he assures. ‘Doing some form of movement is better than none, and you’re more likely to do an activity that is fun, so it might encourage you to do it more. I’d recommend building up to two, three or more times per week to really start feeling and seeing the benefits,’ Aitken advises.
For me, I’m convinced roller skating became a gateway for finding my way back into fitness. A few months after beginning my skating journey, I decided to invest in a Peloton bike – stationary cycling was recommended by my knee surgeon as a good way to promote recovery and rebuild muscle strength – and I began working out daily. Within a year, I’d incorporated strength training into my repertoire, which I’d never considered before. Six months later, I started running. I’m still skating today, but I’m doing lots of other forms of exercise, too.
The roller skating community is another perk – you can find lots of inclusive roller skating groups with like-minded people online. Marawa recommends checking out your local rink or finding local groups on social media.
Check out Meet Up to find roller skating groups near you.
During the lockdowns, with my kids off school, that wasn’t feasible for me, so I made my own version of a skating group, taking my two older kids out for roller skating and rollerblading ‘lessons’ each morning when lockdown two hit in January 2021. By that spring, all of my kids were skating – although sometimes I’d push my youngest in her buggy while I skated – and I believe getting outside and doing something fun each day had a hugely positive impact on our mental health in a difficult time. We’d also meet up with friends to roller skate in the park together.
I won’t be doing any tricks or spins anytime soon, but that’s not what I’m in it for. Roller skating has helped me to shake off my insecurities, build confidence in myself and my abilities and learn that I can pick myself up again when I fall.
It’s proven to me that exercise isn’t always about looking a certain way, it’s about how it makes you feel. Because of roller skating, I’ve even bought a skateboard – I’d always been afraid of skateboarding, but roller skating has shown me I’m capable. So, whether you’re stuck in a workout rut or in need of a confidence boost, take my word for it that roller skating could be what you need. Hello Kitty print leggings optional.