The new Power of Veto spoilers for Big Brother 23 are in and we’ve got the results setting us up for the final noms of Week 6. Will the Head of Household get to make that Backdoor move or will the plan get scraped? Read on for this week’s PoV spoilers!
Along with HOH Kyland and his noms, Claire & DF, we’ve got Alyssa, Azah, and Britini competing in this week’s Veto battle. Add onto that an extra layer of complexity with this High Rollers Room and we’ve got an interesting situation here. The HGs who elected to participate in this week’s High Roller challenge have placed bets on players in the Veto and whoever picked the right player who wins then gets a second Veto. Oh my.
Bets were placed on Kyland, Alyssa, Azah, and Britini. No bets were placed on Claire or DF. Claire bet on Kyland, Derek F bet on Britini, Kyland bet on Alyssa, and Sarah Beth bet on Azah.
Okay, so Alyssa won the Veto and Kyland won off his bet that she would win. So we’ve got ourselves TWO vetoes on play this week. Well that’s different! Time to figure out will happen next and lots of tension already. Sounds like DF wasn’t trying too hard and I’m sure we’ll get more retells on this one before we see it on Wednesday’s episode.
Oh, well wait, that didn’t take long. Kyland just told Xavier that he plans to save Claire and renom Britini as the new target. His reasoning is that she won 100 points in the High Rollers vote and he doesn’t want her around to use those points in the coming two rounds. Ouch!
Who do you want out the door this week? Share your pick below.
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Big Brother 23 Live Feeds: Power of Veto Plans for Week 6
Big Brother 23 Live Feeds Week 6: Saturday Highlights
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